Although hurricanes don’t strike Northern Virginia every year, we do indeed feel the distant impacts of these ferocious storms and gales. They sometimes sweep across this region, heading inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Sandy, Tropical Storm Lee, and Hurricane Irene all caused millions of dollars in property losses here during 2011 and 2012.
Fortunately, you can implement practical measures to help ensure your roof withstands heavy winds and pounding rainstorms as effectively as possible. While nothing can assuage the impact of hurricane-level winds, you can help your property avoid some types of preventable damage simply by maintaining the roof in the best possible condition. Consider taking action now to prepare your home or business for the coming storm season:
Roof Maintenance Tips during Storm
Request a Roof Inspection
One smart step to take before the arrival of hurricane season involves documenting the actual condition of your roof. Particularly if you’ve recently installed a new roof and it remains under warranty, consider asking a qualified roofing expert to conduct an inspection and prepare a report noting the roof’s condition. It should include photographs of the rooftop and the flashing. If you do sustain roof damage as a result of harsh weather and your warranty or home insurance policy covers this type of loss, the report will help you establish the condition of your roof before the storm arrived. This type of inspection also offers valuable information about minor problems which require repair attention now, such as warped, loose or missing shingles.
Remove Decorative Weathervanes, Awnings And Antennas
If you do receive notice about a looming tropical storm system approaching this area, consider removing any decorative weathervanes from your rooftop before the arrival of harsh weather. You may also choose to temporarily take down any attached awnings and television antennas and secure them indoors. These items sometimes fail to survive strong winds. Return them to use again after the weather improves!
Protect Skylights
If you become aware of a tropical storm system severe enough to cause you to board up your windows, don’t forget to apply a protective covering over (and beneath) rooftop skylights. You’ll need to ensure any materials you use won’t themselves become airborne in a storm and cause damage. Your local roofer offers a valuable source of assistance in this effort.
Remove Nearby Dead or Dying Trees
Another helpful precaution to take now involves checking over your property to make certain the trees in your yard appear healthy and disease free. Sometimes severe storms cause dying trees to topple over; strong winds may carry heavy branches onto rooftops, causing significant damage. By trimming away this vegetation in advance, a homeowner reduces the threat from this source. Also consider removing overhanging healthy tree branches which may scrape against the roof or gutters.
Helpful Planning
Today some manufacturers offer wind-resistant roofing systems. Installing these products appeals to many homeowners. Davis Roofing remains available to assist you with all your roofing needs at 703-569-3388.