Every day, rain and ice fall from the sky onto your residential property. When you’re not there to see it, it can cause a lot of damage. One of the most common forms of damage is roof leaks. Rain and ice can cause several different things to happen on your roof: buckling shingles, leaking seams, broken ridges on the ridge vents, and more. These are all irreversible damages that will need to be repaired at some cost to you as a homeowner. If you own a home and have noticed these damages, it is essential to call a professional roofing contractor to assess the damage at your home. Fortunately, Davis Roofing Inc has specialized in roofing and take pride in providing excellent service to their customers. Let’s find out some of the major causes for roof leaks and what methods are used to repair the roofs.
Buckling shingles.
Buckling shingles are common in older homes. The shingles will begin to buckle as the sun heats your home during the day and then freeze during cold days at night. This will cause the shingle to become brittle and easy to break or crumble. This is due to the temperatures being inconsistent from day to day. Once the sun warms your home, the temperature of the shingles rises and stays there for several hours. As the sun diminishes, so does the temperature of your home. If it drops below freezing nights, then ice is likely to form on your shingles, causing damage to them. The best method to repair this type of damage is to replace all of your shingles with new ones that are designed specifically for this job.
Leaking seams.
As the weather starts heating up, and ice begins to form on your roofing system, it is also possible for water to leak through the seams of your roofing material. The best method to repair this is to use flashing tape that covers all of the joints in between shingles. If you can’t find flashing tape, another recommended method is to use a silicone sealant that will seal up those leaks.
Broken ridges on ridge vents.
Ridge vents are small pieces of metal that run along the ridge of your home to help stop water from coming into your attic through air gaps at the top of your roof or other places where weather barriers do not meet correctly. Sometimes they can bend or even break due to roof ice dams, which are areas of ice that form on your roof where the water doesn’t drain properly. Ridge vents can be repaired easily by using sheet metal mesh and silicone sealant.
These are just a few of the most common forms of roof damage that occur due to ice and rain accumulation. If you notice any of these damages at your home, it’s recommended that you contact Davis Roofing Inc who will send a professional roof repair contractor as soon as possible to assess the damages, and get them fixed properly.
If you would like more information about roof repairs or roofing in general, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time!